Wayne’s World!

Hi Friends, this week is Wayne Shorter’s world of clever and creative songs. I love his music and most of us jazz heads dig where he travels in his tunes. Chris Vitas, on violin, is heading up the gig tomorrow night at Dizzy’s where we’re playing ALL Wayne songs. Duncan’s on drums and the one and only Bob Magnusson is on bass. We just rehearsed a minute ago!

The band with Chris Vitas, left, Duncan, Peter, and Bob.

It’s all going down at Dizzy’s on Friday night at 8pm and if you can break away we’d love to have you.

And then from there, I won’t see you for a while as I’m heading up to Portland and Tacoma next week, and then off to the east coast the week after with Dianne Reeves.

Party on Wayne!

best, Peter

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