Third Wind!

Hello Friends!

It’s a good day and starting things off right with Pat Metheny’s “Third Wind” filling the air with energy, gorgeous harmony, rhythm like nobody’s business, and a wailing synth guitar scorching the chord changes.

That’s music!

Last week was a good one for creative concerts and accumulated hours in the car. First up it was a Planet Cole Porter hang at the Rancho Mirage Library. Rad fun!

Planet Cole Porter at the Rancho Mirage Library— a big turnout and a big overhead screen display. Semi frightening seeing yourself amplified and staring down.
photo by Stef Sprague

From there I looped back to La Jolla to Rendezvous in Realtime with the Camaradians. Great to play the new suite in a new light.

I love this photo that Justin took and he doctored it up too!
photo by Justin Grinnell
This is how it really looked at the Athenaeum with Fred, Peter, Duncan, Gunnar, and Beth
photo by Manuel Cruces Camberos

Then it was desert time again, this time at Pete Carlson’s Golf Haven with Sinne on vocals. Great concert! I didn’t get any photos of this one but I just discovered this live vid from our Euro tour last year. Super skanky slow “Evil Girl” blues.

Another vid that surfaced last week in cahoots with the big NAMM Convention was this Taylor Guitar promo spot that I had the good fortune of being part of. Zen master guitar innovator Andy Powers (he’s also the fellow that built my custom twin neck guitar) created 8 new “Builders Edition” guitars and one of them he figured I’d be the guy to play it. It has 2 sound holes and it’s a dream instrument. I went up to LA a couple of months back and spent the day playing the guitar and shooting the vid. Super fun and honored to be included in the innovation.

Flowing into live music for this week, first up it’ll be me and the Blurring the Edges boys concertizing at the Rancho Bernardo Library on Wednesday night. It’s Fred on the guitar, Tripp on sax and flute, Mack Leighton on bass, and me on guitar. It’s a free concert to get in and it starts at 6:15pm. See you there!

A collage of guitar necks! Every which way! Blurring the Edges with Peter, Fred and Tripp.

On Thursday night Leonard and I are venturing to a new to us music venue in Hillcrest. Gifted artist Katya Mezhova invited us to play at a music series that she curates at The Studio Door Art Gallery. The word on the street is that it’s a great sounding space with full on listeners, art on the walls, and the bohemian life of Hillcrest in full bloom right outside the door. Sounds fun and come and take in the music with us!

That’s the story for now and thanks for tuning in, best, Peter

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