The Sting That Keeps On Giving!

D ear Friends,

The ocean has finally come alive with waves to surf after a record breaking nearly a month of flatness. I actually questioned the wild blue, “am I still a surfer?”

A few days back I was coming in after a wonderful surf session and in the shallow waters I stepped on a stingray and got stung. I’ve had this happen 4 times before over my life as an ocean person and it’s a painful ride but not a show stopper. What you do is you limp back to your house, stick your foot in ultra hot water and ride out the pain for 2 hours. It’s bleeding but not out of control.

For some reason this time the pain was at an easy 10 and beyond — I mean the most pain I’ve ever experienced in my 69 years of living. Right around the two hour mark it pretty quickly stops hurting and then life returns to normal.

Tons of love out to my wife Stef who kept the hot water coming and for her advanced skills in wound care — a true avatar of gauze and medical tape. Also thanks to my sister Terry and her husband Scott who happened to be at the beach when this all happened and they drove me back home to the bucket ‘o hot water.

And as it should be, I let one day go by and then I was out in the surf once again—this time shuffling my way to nirvana.

Up for this week we’re playing live on Friday night at Ki’s Restaurant in Cardiff. It’ll be Danny, Justin, and me riding the friendly skies of jazz, samba, and The Beatles. Hope you can join in and look below for details!

We have a new YouTube video just making its way out of the gates today. It was back in 2013 that our band Road Work Ahead had just released an album called “Intersection” and we were off to the races. This vid captures a night when we played at The Merc in Temecula.

Here’s the band:

Peter Sprague — guitar
Bill Mays — piano
Bob Magnusson — bass
Jim Plank — drums

Thanks and yours in the sting that keeps on giving, Peter

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