The Reed Goes on the Bottom!

Hi Folks, it’s a Sunday beyond belief! Simon and Garfunkel singing about “Cecilia”, the sun dancing around the sky—a nice spring combo setting it up for the upcoming week.

On Tuesday we honor one of the original SD jazz men, Joe Marillo. Joe recently passed away and he played a big part with jazz in our town. He continually educated the next generation of jazz kids, me and my gang included. He bent the rules so some of us high schooler’s could get into to the clubs and hear the music firsthand. He hipped us to mysto jazz scales and he even taught Tripp the correct orientation of the mouthpiece on the tenor sax. Turns out Tripp had been playing with the mouthpiece upside down. Hah!

We’re playing at Dizzy’s on Tuesday night and it’s a benefit concert raising funds for Joe’s kids. It’ll be a collection of SD jazz all stars, each playing a few tunes and sharing some stories and laughs. Joe was a funny cat!

Hope to see you there…

Joe and Peter hanging out at the Coyote Grill back a bunch of years.
Joe and Peter hanging out at the Coyote Grill back a bunch of years.

On Friday night vocalist Kevyn Lettau will join Tripp and I at Ki’s for a night of jazz, samba, folk, and Wonder. We’re pulling out one of our classics that I just revisited and it’ll be fun to share it around. You remember “Miracle of Love” from our BrasilJazz recording? A clever little ditty if I do say so myself! See you there…

Kevyn and Peter back a few years. Kind of warpy photo probably taken with the very first cell phone camera.
Kevyn and Peter back a few years. Kind of warpy photo probably taken with one of the very first cell phone cameras.

Allright, all set on the gig email and now I’m getting ready to head outdoors. Clear air for days…

adios, Peter

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