The Look of Love

Greetings Good Folks!

It’s that kind of morning where Les McCann is kicking off “Compared to What” — the killer soft chords, the extremely present cowbell, and this then morphing into the funky piano stabs with Eddie Harris devouring the chord changes. This is GREAT music and it’s how we do it leading into the weekend.

Last eve in rehearsal we added the finishing touches to our upcoming Sunday concert called The Look of Love. Here’s the idea:

Way back in the 90’s I had the good fortune of playing some gigs with Sergio Mendes’ supergroup Brasil ’66. I grew up with his music as it was on heavy rotation on my Dad’s living room turntable. Fast forward to a lifelong dream fulfilled —me on the big stage with Sergio and the band jamming on “Mais Que Nada.” Surreal and exquisite!

For this concert we’re including a mix of some Brazilian classics, some Burt Bacharach beauties dressed up with that cool Sergio flavor of pop and samba, plus Brasil 66’s unique sonic vision of The Beatles “Fool On the Hill.”

We’ve got Beth Ross Buckley on flute, Fred Benedetti on guitar, Gunnar Biggs on bass, Duncan Moore on drums, me on guitar, and the beautiful and passionate Coral MacFarland Thuet on vocals. It’s great to hear her again and she’s bringing such a soulful quality to these songs. 

This was IT back in ’67!

Here’s a vid clip from last night’s rehearsal:

That’s the story for now. I leave next week for a Euro tour with vocalist Sinne so this Look of Love hit will be the last SD performance for a while. Come on out, dig the music, dig the photos at the Museum and dance the samba into the night.

all best, Peter