The Flow Chart Waltz!

Greetings Good Folks, the flow chart of my current balance on planet earth includes freeway doc visits all the way to Chula Vista, podcasts to save the day, tracking solo guitar music in the studio including a twisted version of Lucy in the Sky, killer gig in Point Loma last eve with Tripp and Leonard, preaching to the choir of jazz devotees at the Vista Library, squeezing in the small surf sessions, inspired music happening at the Handlery with Lizzi and the sonic pranksters, dressing up and looking presentable at the Ultimate Skybox high above the baseball field, playing for a cool gal celebrating 98 years orbiting around the sun, scary parent moment hearing about our daughter’s Yosemite hike coming across a big bear (don’t worry, she’s OK and figured it out on her own, thank goodness!), and relaxed laughing dinners with lovely Stef. It’s a full life folks and how great to get to live it!

PS taking notes! Charting out the ups and downs of the Flow Chart Waltz. photo by Dwight Harrington.
PS taking notes! Charting out the ups and downs of the Flow Chart Waltz.
photo by Dwight Harrington
Last night in Pt. Loma launching sound into the summer eve with Tripp, Leonard, Kate and I. photo by Dwight Harrington
Last night in Pt. Loma launching sound into the summer eve with Tripp, Leonard, and Kate Sprague.
photo by Dwight Harrington

The live music for this week starts off tomorrow night (Wednesday) at Panama 66 in Balboa Park with Lizzi and the Boys hitting the downbeat at 6pm. Should be good!

The Lizzi Fest last week at the Handlery with Leonard on the left, Harley on bass, Lizzi on trombone, and me. photo by Liz Abbot
The Lizzi Fest last week at the Handlery with Leonard on the left, Harley on bass, Lizzi on trombone, and me.
photo by Liz Abbot

The next thing that happens is the great sax man Bob Sheppard corals me, Duncan, and Rob Thorsen together for a night of jazz at the Handlery Hotel on Friday night. Wow is right! This cat plays like no other! I’ve been fortunate to get to play and hang out a ton last year on tour with Bob and the Billy Childs Ensemble. I’m stoked that he’ll be down here in SD to impart his wisdom in sound!

Bob Sheppard. He looks kind of normal but get a saxophone into his hands and the planet's axis changes ever so slightly. For the better!
Bob Sheppard. He looks kind of normal but get a saxophone into his hands and the planet’s axis changes ever so slightly. For the better!

On Saturday night I’m thrilled to be included in the Jazz in the Courtyard music series held at the First Presbyterian Church of San Diego. There’s a few different bands playing and me and the trio will play a set at 7pm. It’ll be Mack on bass and Duncan on the drums. Big fun and hope you can make it out!

Men at work! The PS trio assembling things reading the stage for blast off. Mack on the left, Duncan checking the drums, and me and the wires on the floor.
Men at work! The PS trio assembling things reading the stage for blast off. Mack on the left, Duncan checking the drums, and me and the wires on the floor.

The quartet heads up up the coast on Sunday for an afternoon concert in Newport Coast. This is an ongoing jazz series and we’re so happy to be included. It’ll be Tripp, me, Mack, and Duncan sharing the good news of jazz. You all can come if you’d like and also, spread the word to your Newport friends if you can.

Microsoft Word - Flyer-PeterSprague-081416.doc

That’s the news for now and I’m getting it all in ‘cuz I’m heading to Toronto at the end of next week. The party continues!

adios, Peter

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