The Exorcist Plays an Altered Dominant Chord!

Abundant Friends! It’s a pristine morning with a crisp offshore breeze, the music fills the air and it’s a good time to be alive. I’ve got a full studio day ahead but the night is free and we’ll hunt down dinner with friends and comb over the week’s details and then set the vision for what’s ahead.

Last week we had a wonderful final Road Work Ahead chapter, first at the Merc in Temecula with a sold out house and then a standing room only hit at Dizzy’s in Pacific Beach. Both shows had the band leaning into the music full on and then picking up the mic to tell the rest of the story. Bob Magnusson is retiring from music situations that strain his arthritic wrists and unfortunately our band fits that description. We don’t play all up tempos nor is every tune tricky and complicated but enough are to make it a stressful ride for him. We sure had a great run of 30 plus years of music and friendship and I’ll really miss it. I know I’ll still see Bob out in the water, surfing is infinite!

Looking down on RWA at Dizzy's! photo by Michael Oletta

Looking down on RWA at Dizzy’s!
photo by Michael Oletta

Bill Mays on piano. photo by Michael Oletta

Bill Mays on piano.
photo by Michael Oletta

Bob Magnusson on bass. photo by Michael Oletta

Bob Magnusson on bass.
photo by Michael Oletta

Jim Plank on drums.  photo by Michael Oletta

Jim Plank on drums.
photo by Michael Oletta

Me on the guitar in black and white. photo by Michael Oletta

Me on the guitar in black and white.
photo by Michael Oletta

Painted skull faces took over Old Town over the weekend as I played two nights at the Dia de los Muertos festival. It was great to see all of the painted faces and kids dominating the streets. I think my music, just as it is, is scary enough without me altering my approach or dressing up in costume. You know how it is, play a 13b9 chord for a young rocker’s ear and it’s akin to that scene where the girl’s head spins out of control in The Exorcist. Jazz music is mad!

You ever been to the Mission Trails Park in San Diego? What a beautiful setting and yesterday afternoon I got to play a solo concert in the theater at the visitors center. It’s a great setup with an enthusiastic audience and supreme acoustics. And best of all, SILENCE was our friend and companion. Heavens that was fun!


Gearing up for this week, I’ve got a show on Wednesday night at Dizzy’s with pianist Geoffrey Keezer and Toronto based vocalist Gillian Margot. Out of the gate, the instrumentation is unique and this alone ought to lead us into new sonic vistas. Keezer is an avatar of music and getting to be in his loop alone is worth the price of admission. Add in the beautiful vocals of Gillian and the night is illuminating as we speak. We’re meeting up tomorrow at SpragueLand to chart the course and we hope you can join us at Dizzy’s for some magic. Look below for the deets…

Gillian Margot

Gillian Margot

Last up for this week is a Sprague Family Roxy hit on Friday night. Young Kate Sprague (Tripp’s daughter) has some new tunes and Tripp and I’ll will tag along for the adventure. Should be great!

There it is friends and keep the sky in your head!

adios, Peter

One Response to “The Exorcist Plays an Altered Dominant Chord!”

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  1. Jaime says:

    Definitely check out the west gate event. Gilbert and you… exquisite!