The Beach Guitar Rides Again!

Hi Friends, it’s vacation time over here at SpragueLand and we’re jamming at the beach. Essential items—sunscreen, surfboard, bathing suit, and beach guitar.

The beach house jam with Ryan singing on the left, me, and Travis on the right. These guys sounded great and it was like a Jack Johnson concert right on the edge of the continent! photo by Stef Sprague
The beach house jam with Ryan singing on the left, me, and Travis on the right. These guys sounded great and it was like a Jack Johnson concert right on the edge of the continent!
photo by Stef Sprague

Landing back on earth at the end of the week, our music is happening on Friday at the Handlery Hotel with vocalist Lizzi Trumbore leading the group. From there it’s just me playing a solo guitar show at the Vista Library on Sunday afternoon. And rounding the bend into next week, Monday night Tripp, Leonard, and I play a free concert at the Pt. Loma Westminster Church. All great events and we’d love to have you in the loop with us. Look below for the details.

surf’s up! Peter

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