The Advil on an Empty Stomach Issue

Good People, it’s early and I write to you with semi-numb fingers. Conrad Herwig’s sizzling recording The Latin Side of John Coltrane is filling up the airspace with the dual intent of sonic beauty mixed in with some below the radar persuasion to get some heat circulating into this room. It’s working I think, for sure on the sonic beauty part of the deal.It’s been a great ride over the Thanksgiving holiday with the return of our prodigal daughter, Kylie, back to the homeland. She’s a super cool kid and mixed in with catching up on her views of the world, out to dinner and out to breakfast, we dug hanging with her friends who also were in town for the holidays. I love having our house filled with the idealism of youth plus dirty socks. Killer mix!

After a huge Thanksgiving meal we all took a walk into the November afternoon. Here we are on the dunes of the lagoon. From left to right: Sam and Bill (family friends), Stef (with Rocky), Peter, Kylie, Alex, Mike, Troy and Chad (who are Stef’s sister’s family).

Almost at the end of the vacation, I was pulling a long studio day and spaced out on eating any food. I had a small headache and took some Advil and also forgot that you need to take it with a meal. You need to pad the stomach lining to deal with the meds. Oh man, what a belly grind I developed! Worst in years and it took up residence and hung around for 2 days. I tried surfing when it was almost better and imagine lying on your tummy paddling through waves. The surf session didn’t last long.

Clutching my aching stomach, my little dog Rocky is bummed ‘cuz “Daddy’s no fun when he’s sick”.

I’m better now and it’s great to be with the living again. I’m fueled up and putting the finishing touches on the Dr. Einstein’s Spin CD project for special delivery to the duplicating plant. It’s sounding good and I’ll be sure to pass along the deets when it’s all complete.

For this week I’m playing solo guitar at the magic Roxy in Encinitas. It’ll be a night of samba, jazz standards, Peter Songs, Stevie Wonder, Hendrix and The Beatles. See you there!

yours in Advil, Peter

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