That’s the Truth Ruth!

S alutations Supreme,

We’re in it now and you know it’s real when you hear Michael Bublé’s gorgeous voice coming out of the speaker reminding us to check the list twice. 

Got it, and while the music of the holiday season is on a rager, please consider our entry into the fray:

We put this out last Christmas and it’ll sound just as fresh today, guaranteed!

It’s our reworking of Vince Guaraldi’s Charlie Brown classic tunes mixed in with a folky “Hark the Herald” and a samba version of “Winter Wonderland.”

Charles Shultz (the creator of the “Peanuts” empire) once said,

“All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” 

That’s the truth Babe Ruth…

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Music

Download at PS Music Store

thanks folks and all the best to you, Peter

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