Tablas Morphing Towards Ecstasy

Greetings Friends of Music, the endless road of video editing continues but happily there are welcomed interludes of surf riding in the wild blue. It clears the brain of accumulated music theory overload. And from there, live guitar playing moments erupt and this again brings the flow towards a balanced center. All good and I’m in!

We only have one gig this week and it’s occurring out of town. On Wednesday night Leonard, Tripp, and I will make the drive out to the Rancho Mirage Library for a night of jazz music. We were fortunate to play this concert series last year and it’s a great space for music with good sound and good sightlines. Folks really listen intently too and again, silence as a musical component, is part of our concert language. Bring it on down, just listen to the sound of no hands clapping.

It’ll be fun and I know you probably can’t make it out but if you have friends that may like to partake, heavens for sure pass along the info…Thanks.

Peter, Leonard, and Tripp.
Peter, Leonard, and Tripp.

And this Thursday, instead of heading to the Roxy for my solo music I’m instead heading to the Museum of Making Music to take in a concert with a very unique Indian musician. Debashish Bhattacharya is perhaps one of the greatest slide guitarist in India. In his twenties he evolved a unique style of playing guitar, synthesizing selected features of other instruments such as the veena, sitar, sarod and kannur. After years of research he developed his own innovative Hindustani slide guitar. Debashish’s uncanny sense of musical understanding has established him as a recording artist whose musicality matches all categories of music be it Indian, classical, jazz, blues, folk or new music. He will be joined by his brother and tabla master Subhasis Bhattacharya.

Debashish Bhattacharya

I’ve never heard Debahish live but check out this recent video of him:

I’ve had a long interest in Indian music starting way back with John McLaughlin’s Shakti group. Indian music has wild trajectories into rhythmic insanity and the moods that they set up with the different ragas are intoxicating. It’s quite an experience taking in the slow intros that gradually morph into a dance with the tabla drums and as the tempo doubles they start heading towards ecstasy. Magic in music!

Here’s the info for the concert and maybe I’ll see you there!

Museum of Making Music
5790 Armada Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (760) 438-5996

There are tickets left:

That’s it for this week friends and keep having good times.

all best, Peter

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