Sunset Temple Theater – San Diego, CA – 08/05/18

CD Release Concert for Sparks and Seeds
Sunday, August 5, 2018
7:00pm - $20 - All Ages
3911 Kansas Street San Diego
San Diego, CA, 92104
Other Info
We have a new CD coming out!
Sparks and Seeds
Peter Sprague and Randy Phillips

Peter Sprague — guitar
Rebecca Jade — vocals
Leonard Patton — vocals
Emily Elbert — vocals
Lisa Hightower — vocals
Allison Adams Tucker — vocals
Barnaby Finch — piano
Gunnar Biggs — bass
Duncan Moore — drums

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2 thoughts on “Sunset Temple Theater – San Diego, CA – 08/05/18”

  1. Hello Peter,

    I hope you are doing well! This is Mayumi. Chris and I are planning to go to the concert on Sun, 8/5. It is super overdue, and we are looking forward to seeing you then.

    In terms of the tickets, do you only sell them at the door? We would love to secure four tickets if there is a way to do so. Please let me know.


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