Summer Lawns!

Brilliant Folks!

Coming to you via some very scorched out north county territory! Hot and humid and loving it!

This leads us to the soundtrack for this moment – Joni’s brilliant 1975 recording The Hissing of Summer Lawns. The songs are perfection, the poetry is out of this world, and the effect, the hope at least, is to cool down this office so I can think straight. Heavens!

We had a superb concert last weekend playing the music from our Sparks and Seeds recording. Thank’s to the hilt for all the folks that made it out and to the musos who created sonic magic on the spot.

Here are some photos!

The cool band shell awaiting the players to take hold of the moment.
photo by James Kaspar
Emily Elbert
photo by James Kaspar
Rebecca Jade
photo by James Kaspar
Lisa Hightower
photo by James Kaspar
PS with Barnaby Finch behind.
photo by James Kaspar
Allison Adams Tucker with Gunnar in the back.
photo by James Kaspar
Randy Phillips, who is the lyricist for all of the tunes, sang on one and sounded great!
photo by James Kaspar
Leonard Patton with Allison
photo by James Kaspar
The whole band!
photo by James Kaspar
All of the vocalists in one place! With Emily, Rebecca, Lisa, Allison, and Leonard.
photo by Allison Adams Tucker
Band bow at the end of the concert!
photo by Liz Abott

Some live gigs are planned for this week starting with Friday night at Ki’s Restaurant in Cardiff. It’ll be a fun night with Rebecca Jade singing, Tripp playing sax, flute, and percussion, and I’ll be on the double neck guitar. Come and hangout with us and take in the sunset and some classic food.

Peter and Rebecca
photos by James Kaspar

On Saturday night we will be at Dizzy’s in San Diego celebrating the Bay Area vocalist Jennifer Lee’s CD release concert. For the last couple of years she and I have been working on her new project called My Shining Hour. It’s a wonderful collection of her music along with a few standards played by some of San Diego’s best jazz musos plus a few Bay Area music heroes are in there too. And she’s even got Randy Brecker playing trumpet on one song, who by the way sounds fantastic! Jennifer’s music has Brazilian influences plus some beautiful jazz swingers. I think you’ll enjoy it!

SD Union’s George Varga’s article giving the upcoming concert a thumbs up!

On Sunday afternoon we’re playing a free concert at a charming little park in Rancho Santa Fe. We’ve done this concert for the last three summers and it’s always a highlight of the season. The environment is inviting and the music, I know I’m biased, sounds really good there! It’s our Planet Cole Porter band with Rebecca Jade on vocals, Tripp on sax and flute, Gunnar on bass, Duncan on drums, and I’ll be on guitar. We’re mixing it up with Cole Porter and the Beatles— a little funk and of course straight ahead swinging into the outer galaxy. Please join us and look below for the details!

PCP with PS, Gunnar, Tripp, Rebecca, and Duncan.
photo by James Kaspar

Leaning into the following week, on Monday evening we’re playing our annual Point Loma Westminster Presbyterian Church concert. The setting is an outdoor amphitheater and it’s a great collection of fine people and enthusiastic listeners. Leonard will be singing, Tripp will be laying it down saxophonia style, and I’ll be six stringing it. It’s free too so it’s a win win moment any which way you spin it!

Shapeshifting with Tripp, Leonard and Peter.
photo by Steve Grant

There you have it my good people and take good care and see you out in the ocean, Peter

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