Rancho Bernardo Library – San Diego, CA – 03/11/15

2 Responses to “Rancho Bernardo Library – San Diego, CA – 03/11/15”

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  1. Diane Remick says:

    Husband and I used to spend many Friday nights listening to you and the group at the Pannikn in the ’80s starting off the weekend with great jazz. Husband recently passed away but seeing your name in the paper brought back memories so just had to come tonight. Enjoyed every minute of the show. Thank you.

    Would like to bring son and daughter-in-law Sat night to The Roxy restaurant in Encinitas but had a couple of questions. Should I make reservations? How early should we get there for the 7 o’clock show for seats if no reservations taken?

    • Hi Diane, thanks for the note and great that you made the gig last night. Us too, super fun times!

      The Roxy tonight will be great. Sinne is sitting in on a few songs. You can make reservations and it usually is a pretty good turnout but you’ll be fine. See you then!