The Man In The Box / Jenni Wagoner

Vocalist Jenni Wagoner was waiting tables at a ski resort restaurant in Colorado at just the right time. It turns out that during her breaks she would also sit in with the band and on this particular winter evening a meeting of wealthy San Diego businessman was also taking place. Upon hearing Jenni sing up a storm, they were so taken with her talent that they decided then and there to fly her to San Diego and help her get a recording together. That’s where I enter into this story. The businessmen contacted and pulled me into the loop and then together Jenni and I set out to create some beautiful music. We wrote some new tunes, came up with new arrangements of Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan songs, recorded with some ace studio players, and finally played a few live shows. Since this all took place back in 2004 Jenni has now moved to New York, sung with David Foster, and is currently in a rock band. This collection of songs is from Jenni’s shy bluegrassy vibe era and it’s some wonderful music.

Jenni Wagoner: vocals
Peter Sprague: guitar
Barnaby Finch: piano
Ken Dow: bass
Duncan Moore: drums
Gabe Witcher: fiddle and vocals


The Man In The Box – 4:00
Peter Sprague and Jenni Wagoner
(Satyam Music / BMI)

California – 4:07
Joni Mitchell

If Not For You – 4:11
Bob Dylan

Put On Some Sunshine – 3:36
Peter Sprague and Jenni Wagoner
(Satyam Music / BMI)

The Stillness of Your Heart – 5:53
Peter Sprague and Jenni Wagoner
(Satyam Music / BMI)

Produced by: Peter Sprague
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by: Peter Sprague
Recorded at: SpragueLand Studios, Encinitas, CA
Cover Art by: Peter Sprague
Photo by: Jenni Wagoner

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