Pennies From Heaven!

Greetings Citizens of Jazz!

I’m having fun in the office and gazing out into the endless coastal gray. It just goes on and and on and happily it isn’t getting me down. Instead it’s a good day and Stan Getz is filling the air via Spotify. 

It’s magic — push a button and his entire recorded history streams on through. 

It’s criminal too in that I didn’t have to buy these records but instead, pay the mini $10 a month fee to the Spotify folks and they’ll pass along a whopping $.04 to the Getz estate. Two days ago I got a royalty check in the mail for $.04. True!

Get rich soon, play jazz and the royalties will be flowing in — flowing in like pennies from heaven!

Regardless, music is still the best thing going and I’m so happy to be listening and playing!

We experienced two great outdoor weekend hits with spirited folks and good vibes!

This was Summer Fun on the 101! Dig the yellow bike in front, taking over the shot. From left to right, PS, Leonard, Duncan, Mack, and Danny. Afterwards we had endless salad and pizza. What a fun afternoon!

Here’s the scene at Rancho Santa Fe park playing music under the tent. Left to right, PS, Duncan, Mack, Danny, and Lizzi. Sorry but Tripp didn’t make it into the pic.

I still have 2 weeks of local music moments before I take to the friendly skies and head east to Copenhagen and the Canary Islands. That’ll be fun but for know here’s what’s up in Cali.

Friday afternoon the solo guitar excursion at Flower Hill continues on. It’ll be me drifting in the relaxing climes strumming the six strings, taking in the passerby’s. It’s a good time for certain.

In the evening on Friday we’re playing music at Dizzy’s in San Diego. The gig is led by drummer/composer Matt Smith and Mack will be on bass along with Ed Kornhauser on piano and me on guitar. We’re doing original songs by each of us plus Herbie Hancock’s classic “Tell Me a Bedtime Story” and Miles’ “All Blues”. It’ll be a good time and hope you can bust out and check us out…

Matt Smith group with Ed, Mack, Matt, and me.

Bending around the weekend, on Monday evening, Rebecca Jade and I are driving up to LA to play a show at Vitello’s Restaurant. Recently she’s been doing some jazz cruise ship gigs and she ran into a really good trio from LA. Together they played the Planet Cole Porter music and so she got the idea of doing a hit in LA and adding me into the loop. I heard some recordings of these folks and they are sounding fantastic! It’ll be a fun set and we’re playing the Cole Porter tunes plus some Beatles and Blood Sweat and Tears. Good times ahead!

Peter and Rebecca
photos by James Kaspar

That’s it friends and I leave you with this,

So when you hear it thunder
Don’t run under a tree
There’ll be pennies from heaven
For you and me

adios, Peter