Music Spirit Upgrade!

Greetings, the music box is on shuffle and it has randomly arrived on Al Jarreau’s “Closer to Your Love.” Right there, life has improved 43%. Music magic, music spirit upgrade, music softening life’s harsh edges. I’m in!

Mini media explosion in the form of a nice 4 page spread in this month’s Encinitas Magazine. Surf hippie hero icon Rob Machado graces the cover getting tubed at Seaside and inside they take a spin over to SpragueLand for some sonic variations. Click the cover shot below to be transported to the article.


Part two of the media revolution is the little “this is your life” intro movie to the Awards ceremony a couple of weeks back. It now lives on YouTube. It’s cute, it has a clip of me when I was really young snapping my fingers and carrying on, a short cool backside off the lip surf clip, and other positive propaganda pushing the idea that this dude has been doing this for a long time and maybe cut him some slack — perhaps give him a wave out in the lineup and maybe lend a hand as he unloads his guitar rig. Hah! As if! Check it out:


Last week was a Sinne Fest with 3 concerts (one of them was a private house concert in Coronado) complete with golden moments of jazz and enthusiastic fans taking it all in. She’s really something and as we speak she continues up the Cali coast, spreading the good word of music. We hope to see her here again in March!

Sinne Eeg with Roger Neuman on sax. photo by Perry Murphy
Sinne Eeg with Roger Neuman on sax.
photo by Perry Murphy
Peter and Katie Thiroux on bass. photo by Perry Murphy
Peter and Katie Thiroux on bass.
photo by Perry Murphy
Uber fans Perry Murphy and his wife brought a birthday cake to the Merc gig. It was for my birthday and it was a joy sharing sweetness with all of the friends and fans. Thanks Perry for supreme thoughtfulness! photo by Perry Murphy
Uber fans Perry Murphy and his wife brought a birthday cake to the Merc gig. It was for my birthday and it was a joy sharing the sweetness with all of the friends and fans. Thanks Perry for the supreme thoughtfulness!
photo by Perry Murphy

Gearing up for this week, I have 3 cool gigs and hoping you can make it out to share in the spin of music.

First up, I’m playing solo guitar at The Roxy on Thursday night. This is part of a continuing fun hang in downtown Encinitas. The first set is me playing solo and then the second set spins out of control with a few folks sitting in. It’s always fun!

Floating on the good air at the Roxy! photo by Kyle Thomas
Floating on the good air at the Roxy!
photo by Kyle Thomas

Next it’ll be a Friday night Ki’s Restaurant get together with Tripp on sax, Gunnar on bass and me on guitar. Killer food, untouchable view out to the ocean and of course, MUSIC which brings it all together! See you there…

The trio honing the tunes for the Ki’s gig. Tripp, Peter and Gunnar.

Last up, rounding out the week, I’m zipping over to the El Cajon Library on Sunday afternoon to kick start the jams. These solo concerts there are always fun and the sound is good and the noise level is down to 0 db. Silence is my friend and it’s a great way to start a concert! Big fun ahead…

Silence is a good place to start from.
Silence is a good place to start from.

That’s the story for now folks and thanks for tuning in.

all the very best, Peter

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