Metric Modulation to Hyper-funk Velocity!

H i Friends!

Coming to you while on infinite tech support hold. I’ll bet that I get this whole gig email out before they get back to me. But alas, they’re smart when they get around to it.

We had a wonderful house concert in La Jolla last Sunday with Danny, Mack, and myself digging in. What an inspiring environment to make educated noise and check out the view in the window behind me, it’s Black’s Beach in the distance.

Coming up tonight at 7pm we’re sharing our music at the Cardiff Library. It’s a free concert and it’ll be Rebecca Jade, Danny, Justin, and me stirring it up. Come on out!

Tomorrow night we’re playing a concert at San Diego State University with tenor sax man Brian Levy. He’s a great player in the style of Sonny Rollins and we’re doing his songs and my songs too. Should be fun and it’s open to the public.

On Saturday (2/10) we’re playing a 2pm trio concert at the La Mesa Library. It’ll be a good moment of music and it’ll still leave you plenty of time to get aligned with the Super Bowl 2024 agenda. We wouldn’t want to block you out of that. Hah!

The new vid reveal for this week is a moment of groove back a couple of years in the early trenches of covid. This is a Stevie Wonder song featuring Leonard Patton and Rebecca Jade and taken from our Live(ish) From SpragueLand show. Check out the new chords and the metric modulation to hyper-funk velocity with Tripp blowing a great sax solo. Next, we almost crash and burn on the unison interlude leading back into the vocals. It was a close call but it’s smooth sailing with Leonard and Rebecca leading us to the final “baby, baby” proclamation. Beautiful!

That’s the word and the tech call hold is still active. Urgghhh, best, Peter

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