Lucy in the Sky and Planet Cole Porter — New Recordings!

Hi Good People, it’s a thrill to announce two new recording projects and turn them loose into the real world overload. Media from everywhere, easy to get lost, the absolute best when things connect! That’s what I’m hoping for — this new music to take hold of you and nag you into a re-listen. The smile on your face is contagious and friends inquire what brought it on and you enthusiastically reply, “Lucy in the Sky and Planet Cole Porter of course!” When they ask “what’s that?” you can pass along my navigation coordinates and together we’ll start a revolution of sorts! 

Let’s begin…

Lucy in the Sky is my second recording of solo guitar explorations! Solo guitar is one of my favorite platforms to express music. The guitar becomes an orchestra and when you start to improvise the whole solar system of sound is right at your fingertips. I like taking songs that we all know and then temper them with my musical viewpoint, hopefully arriving at a new place that still has strong ties to the original. Included is a collection of songs with different styles that I’ve been working with for the last year. 

My Favorite Things – Rogers and Hammerstein
Triste – Jobim
In My Life – The Beatles
Etude Z – Peter Sprague
Oh Shenandoah
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds – The Beatles
Saudade de Voce – Peter Sprague
Can’t Buy Me Love – The Beatle

A couple of weeks back we had a wildly successful KSDS Jazz Live concert presenting our Planet Cole Porter program. It was miles beyond sold out and the combination of the spirited audience mixed in with Cole Porter’s clever songs and the band’s a little more than usual rehearsed delivery made for a wonderful moment of music. The reason we were all drilled up on the music is because, tah – dah, we had just finished recording it and for those that have been there, taking the music into the studio is a good way to sharpen it up. 

So it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Planet Cole Porter, the recording!

It’s Rebecca Jade sounding beautiful on vocals along with Tripp on sax, Gunnar on bass, Duncan on drums, Tommy Aros on percussion, Scott Kyle on trombone and me on the guitar.

My idea was to infuse musical styles that I like — swing, funk, bossa nova, samba, and ballads into music that Cole Porter composed in the 1930’s. His lyrics are beyond clever and his melodies travel to new places, still sounding fresh even though they were written over 75 years ago. We climbed aboard the rocket, made it through the atmosphere and now we’re stoked to live on Planet Cole Porter!

Planet Cole Porter
Just One of Those Things
Night and Day
All Of You
Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye
Love For Sale
Let’s Do It
I Get a Kick Out of You

(All of the songs are by Cole Porter except for “Planet Cole Porter” which is by Peter Sprague)

Both of these recordings are available NOW in the CD format and also as digital downloads. You can listen to music samples and also get more info when you click on the CD covers:

Order up good people if you’ve got the means and the interest. Your support of our music would mean a lot!

good day, Peter