Cowabunga Ocean Peeps!
Finally a day off and it started early this morning with some blue water immersion. There were little mini broken up bumps and the air had a fall cooling edge to it but the water remains in full on bliss mode — warm and inviting! This leads me to thinking about Ben Gravy. He’s the most stoked surfer on the globe! He hails from the great state of New Jersey — an area known for terrible little waves and cold winters and even with all of that he’s making it work with mega spirit. His latest thing is to surf all 50 states of the US. How does he pull this off? Rivers when needed! He has a crazy VLOG and I think he posts almost every day. His phrase “living the dream” is catching on as the ongoing mantra up here in Leucadia! Lined up for this week in the live arena it’s a Friday midday solo guitar exploration fest over at Flower Hill Promenade. It’ll be me and the six strings starting at 12:30pm. Next, mark your calendar for a Sunday at 2pm free concert at the Encinitas Library. I’m thrilled to get together with vocalist Rebecca Jade and bassist Sean Hicke. We’ll start with a bop Cole Porter and I’m guessing we’ll end up musically somewhere entirely NOW. Join us on the journey! That’s it and take good care, Peter |