Glow Basking!

Greetings Friends!

This week we’re playing some private events around town and YES, Leonard and I are taking the music public on Friday. It’ll be Ki’s Restaurant for a night of basking in the glow of the Cardiff sunset set to a gentle folk ballad morphing over to a psychedelic version of The Beatles “Lucy’s in the Sky With Diamonds.” Join us for the sonic diversity, join in for the fun!


That’s it but first, some cool random photos slipped by my desk…

Love this pic from back many years. It's the Strummers with (left to right) Ken Dow on bass, Sara Watkins on fiddle, Sean Watkins on guitar, and Peter on guitar. We invaded in on the Artists 101 Space in Encinitas and took over with music! photo by Mark Keller

Love this pic from back many years. It’s the Strummers with (left to right) Tripp Sprague on sax, Ken Dow on bass, Sara Watkins on fiddle, Sean Watkins on guitar, and Peter on guitar. We invaded the Artists 101 Space in Encinitas and took over with our version of bluegrass!
photo by Mark Keller

Just a couple of days back we had a nice hit in Laguna at the Festival of Arts and Justin pulled out his phone and snapped Duncan during his solo.

Just a couple of days back we had a nice hit in Laguna at the Festival of Arts and Justin pulled out his phone and snapped Duncan during his solo. Cool vibe on this one.

That’s the story for now and best wishes to you all for a great week.

hang ten, Peter