Getting My Radar Blown Apart by Young Minds!

Greetings Friends, it’s a YouTube universe and this young singer and multi-instrumentalist just blew apart my radar:

Jacob Collier singing Stevie’s “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing”

Jacob Collier

Jacob Collier

Then came this young radioactive avatar:

Taylor Wilson building a nuclear reactor.

Taylor Wilson

Taylor Wilson

And finally Chick Corea playing with 2 young Russian pianists:

Beka and Gadi

Beka with John Patattucci

Beka with John Patattucci

It’s infinite isn’t it?

Coming up this week, guitarist and singer Diane Hubka makes the drive down from L.A. to play a show at Dizzy’s celebrating her new CD release West Coast Strings. She’s asked me to pull together a back up band and we’ve got Gunnar, Duncan, and me in the loop. Last summer I went up to L.A. to record on Diane’s project and it’s an honor to be featured alongside Anthony Wilson, Mimi Fox, Larry Koonse and John Pisano! Diane has a wonderful voice and plays jazz guitar too and her angle is combining jazz standards and bossa novas. It’ll be a fun night of music and I hope to see you there.

Diane Hubka

Diane Hubka

On Sunday late afternoon we’re playing music at the Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church with Camarada featuring Beth Ross-Buckley on flute, Fred Benedetti on guitar, Gunnar Biggs on bass,  and me too. The first set is tango and celtic music. The 2nd set will be my tunes including my piece “Width of the World part one” which was last heard a few years back with the San Diego Symphony. I made an adaptation for the small group and it’ll be a hoot to take it out on a ride. Look below for the gig details.



That’s the story for now and keep the sky in your head….adios, Peter


When my daughter was born I remember twirling her around and singing to her and I came up with a simple little melody that eventually developed into a whole song. I aptly titled it “Kylie” and this week, on the concert with Beth we’ll give it a spin. I recorded this with Steve Kujala on my Soliloquy recording and it still draws me back to when Kylie was little. Now she’s at college and getting ready to turn 20 years old. Life is amazing! Check it out!