Fine Folks, coming at you with Blue Mitchell’s The Thing You Do whirling in the CD player, filling this cold room with some F calypso grooving warmth. Killer track, “Fungii Mama” is on at the moment. What does that title mean? Fungii related to fungus? Fungii sounds better. This album is one of Blue’s best and if you haven’t heard it yet, check ‘er out! Chick’s on piano too…
Some cool music happenings fell into place last week including a fun gig with trombone man Matt Hall. He navigates through the changes beautifully and bringing it on home was Bob Magnusson on bass and Jim Plank filling it out on drums. Great to be with the gang and it was worth the most brutal rain drive at rush hour on a Friday ever! Had a practice guitar in the car and for those moments where we were standing still (lots!) I soothed into some guitar music. ![]() I’m on James Taylor’s email list and he sent out this vid recently. It’s super soulful and the beauty of a family singing together on a classic tune hits a real highpoint in music, in being human, and living on planet earth. Check it out: Next month we’re starting a new CD project, recording the Planet Cole Porter music. It’ll be Rebecca Jade, Tripp, Gunnar, Duncan, and I magnetizing to the harmonic magic of Cole Porter. Super clever lyrics too! Last week I finished the final arrangement for the project and I’m stoked to have a new version of “All of You” in the mix. Now focusing in on this week for live music, first up, I’m playing two gigs tomorrow (Wednesday). At noontime I’ll be at the Encinitas Library with Lars Hoefs on cello and Bridget Dolkas on violin for a free concert of Jobim, Piazzolla and my songs too. We play this concert every year when Lars makes the trek from Brazil to SD and man, both him and Bridget are brilliant musos. I’ve arranged a new one (we’re rehearsing later this afternoon) and can’t wait to see if it all worked out. See you there! ![]() And on Wednesday night I’m heading over to the Roxy for my ongoing music night there, this time my brother Tripp will join me. I’m trying a new thing at the Roxy and because of the louder acoustics of the room I’m going to play in a duo format rather than solo. I’ll be having different guests each week. For solo guitar to work, it needs to be really quiet and I think for how the Roxy has been remodeled a duo with a little more energy might be the right combo. The vibe over there is good and it’s right in the middle of a happening downtown Encinitas Bohemia. Live jazz in Encinitas in the mid-week, sounds good to me! ![]() On Thursday night Leonard and I are thrilled to be included in Joe Rathburns’ ongoing Folkey Monkey concert series held at Vision in San Diego. Our music angle for this night is exploring songs composed by John Mayer. He’s one of my favorite pop artists and we’ve taken his tunes and instilled our jazz viewpoint into them. Big fun! The week of music culminates on a Friday ride to downtown for a hit at the Harbor Music Hall. It’ll be Leonard and I and if you haven’t been to this spot yet it’s worth checking out. Super cool breakfast spot that morphs into a jazz club on the weekends. We love it there—good acoustics, great folks running the place, and hopefully you absorbing the experience! That’s the story for now. Thanks for the read and see you on the next loop, best, Peter |
2 thoughts on “Fungii Mama!”
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Hey Peter. I just happened to be looking up the tune “Fungi Mama” trying to find out what it means. I’m still in the dark. Is it really fungus? or fungal? Anyway, all the best. Looking good! rj
Heya Richard, I too looked into why they named it that but couldn’t find out anything. But what a tune! Blue Mitchell!
all best, P