From the Pen of Vince!

H i Good Folks!

From the land of ho ho comes the word that our Charlie Brown / Vince Guaraldi concert in La Jolla has sold out. Great news for the financial moguls running the show but sad news for those of you that wanted to hear our unique blues infused version of “Linus and Lucy” among other sonic gems from the pen of Vince.

Good news emerges and we’ve added a second concert on 12/22 at 3pm at the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad. It’ll be the same line up of merry pranksters (musos) and there’s a chance that we’ll play even better as we’ll be afforded another crack at these semi – complex arrangements. 

What fun and we hope you can join us.

Look for the details below and next week I’ll send along the link for the museum to purchase your tickets.

all good things from the pen of Peter…

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