Peter Sprague
jazz guitarist and composer
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Hi Peter,
Just noticed your most recent schedule doesn’t show the Solterra gig on the 19th. Is that correct? We’re trying to plan a trip down to SD this month to meet BV and hear some jazz.
Thanks, Steve Gallagher
Hi Steve, thanks for tuning in and yes, the Solterra gig moved to July 26. Hope it can still work for you to come and hear us!
all the best, Peter
Hi Peter,
Just noticed your most recent schedule doesn’t show the Solterra gig on the 19th.
Is that correct? We’re trying to plan a trip down to SD this month to meet BV and hear some jazz.
Steve Gallagher
Hi Steve, thanks for tuning in and yes, the Solterra gig moved to July 26. Hope it can still work for you to come and hear us!
all the best, Peter