Errand Completion Sprint

Hiya Out There! What a good day it’s turning out to be. It all started yesterday with an ultra productive “out in the world” errand completion sprint, picking up hard drives, getting cables fixed, upgrading the mighty iPhone 4 to version 5. From there, an excellent broccoli magic dinner with Stef and then this morning, an early morning rolling and tumbling surf session with dark blue bumpy beauties marching forth from the south. This freeze out led to a fun morning rehearsal with vocalist Kevyn Lettau for our Roxy hit on Saturday night. Jazz, jazz, jazz and now Bob Dylan is on the speakers singing about a “New Morning” and I’m taking a moment to fill you in. Semi spring time (at least the big tree outside of SpragueLand is sprouting green growth and declaring liberation from the winter) in Cali is the best!

Yes on the solo guitar sonic experimentation dance held on Thursdays at the Roxy Restaurant. Last week was a wonderful affair with a soulful audience in tow that on the second set morphed into a bohemian jam out of sorts. Two vocalists, a violin master, a cajon player with my same surname, and a blues bandit sporting a harmonica filled out the bill. It’s all going down this week too. Come on out if you can break free!

Studying my fingers to make sure they're behaving!
Studying my fingers to make sure they’re behaving and ready to take on the Roxy!

And break free you must on Saturday for first off, an early morning jazz celebration at the Encinitas Arts Festival with Leonard on vocals, my brother Tripp blowing into the saxophone, and me slinging the 12 strings. We play at 10:30 am and it’s a short but sweet addition to a big long and varied day of art and music in Encinitas.

And second off, on Saturday night it’ll be Kevyn and I sharing our newly rehearsed songs for a special Roxy Weekend Hit. We do this every now and then and the “then” is just about “now”. It’s a slick moment hanging in downtown Encinitas for music and great food. See ya then! (Click the below photo for a short vid hit).

Kevyn and I running down the songs. Click to ease
Kevyn and I running down a slow jazz song.
Click if you want to eavesdrop into our rehearsal via YouTube.

One last deet, keep an ear out for a KSDS Monday night radio interview moment with me, Rob Thorsen, and Steph Johnson, each talking it up about our new CD releases and the view of jazz from our vantage point. Should be cool!

That’s it for this time and thanks for reading along, Peter


“You Said” I remember when Kevyn Lettau and Mike Shapiro spent a weekend with me in my Del Mar house studio (pre SpragueLand) and we set out to write some new music for our group BrasilJazz. That turned out to be a productive couple of days and we successfully pulled together both “You Said” and “Miracle of Love” during that weekend. These tunes made it into our gigging repertoire and were eventually included on Kevyn’s CD called BrasilJazz. For “You Said” we got into the idea of how two folks miscommunicate and get tangled on the words that each other says. We put this lyric confusion over a cool little samba groove. For “Miracle of Love” we were inspired by the sort of gospel color and feel Russell Ferrante brings to jazz. The current tie-in with these tunes is that we’re playing “You Said” at the Roxy gig this Saturday. Both songs are on the recording BrasilJazz and you can check them out here.

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