El Viento de Carlos Santana!

Hey Good Folks!

Just for the occasion, the santa ana winds are blowing and Carlos is on the box playing the ultimate surf guitar solo on Evil Ways. They used this tune for a bunch of early surf movies and it worked then and it’s still working now. That organ part kills!


I’m thrilled that a last minute gig came through with Leonard Patton at Tio Leo’s on Wednesday night. We’ve been missing each other lately. He just went to Kauai to play a concert and I’ve been zipping in Denmark. So yay, back together playing Santana? We’ve never done that but if the winds are still blowing strong maybe we’ll make an attempt. No matter what, great times ahead and join in if you can.

Leonard and Peter
photo by Thomas Westerlin

On Friday afternoon I’ll be playing a couple of sets of solo guitar music at the Flower Hill Promenade starting at 12:30pm. Pleasant as they come situation!

PS at cool gig last week at the gallery opening for artist Kevin Anderson. Neat to be surrounded by ocean scenes.

We’ll be at Ki’s Restaurant on Friday night with brother Tripp on sax and flute and Justin Grinnell on bass. The trio lives on! I’ve got a couple of newly penned songs and we’ll break ‘em out for a spin. Hope you can make it out for the great food, superb sunset view, and creative music moments.

Justin on the left, Tripp, and me and my authoritative arm.

There it is and thanks for tuning in, best, Peter

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