Dizzy’s – San Diego, CA – 03/11/17

2 Responses to “Dizzy’s – San Diego, CA – 03/11/17”

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  1. Margit Bojstrup says:

    Hi Peter,

    I’m so excited that our mutual friend Sinne is coming back to SD! Just found out yesterday when hosting in the House of Denmark and playing her music for the visitors. Got to talk about a lovely couple from London who knows you. They were the ones that told me about the event, because they recognized Sinne on the covers of her albums. What a wonderful coincidence to meet Barry & Lorraine.

    I will let the Danish community know about the upcoming concert. I’d also like to help spread the word in any other ways, I can. Just let me know.

    Looking forward to seeing you, Gunnar, and Duncan again!

    Hugs from Margit

    • Hi Margit, thanks so much for your note here and YES, Sinne will be in town and we’re playing a show. We’d love it if you could spread the word and there is plenty of room at Dizzy’s for a bunch of folks. Come all ye faithful!

      See you soon, best, Peter