Converting Garbage?

Good People!

Who do you know in Madison, Wisconsin? Turns out next week we’re braving it once again with that volatile mix of guitars and airplanes and it’ll be me, Leonard, and Tripp flying east to share the good news of jazz with the Madisonites. We’ve got two concerts lined up and one of them is outdoors and I’m told that the humidity gauge will most definitely be turned up along with the bug factor. Bring it on home and if you’ve got friends there, maybe share the gig details below and let ‘em know we’ll do our best to represent. 

Cool Madison fact: the band Garbage formed in Madison in 1994. I was never a fan but I’ll bet once I’m there I’ll convert!

Up for this week, two hits on Friday! First up, a rare visit to the Flower Hill Mall in Del Mar to join in on their on going noontime concerts. Look for Leonard and I in front of Starbucks doing what we do best. Hope to see you there!

Leonard and Peter.

And then in the evening on Friday we’re returning to Ki’s in Cardiff to share the sound with great food and great ocean views. In the loop with me will be vocalist and guitarist Nina Francis along with Gunnar Biggs playing the big wood bass. Folk music, jazz, blues, and originals will be the sonic direction and we might even work in a tune by Garbage for dramatic effect. Snap!

Peter and Nina rehearsing at SpragueLand

There it is friends and thanks for shuffling along with the revolution, best, Peter