Greetings Fine Folks! The whirlwind is upon us! It’s full blast and it’s full of good things. Here’s a last minute blip letting you know that the free Christmas Eve concert is in positive motion and will be happening tomorrow at 1pm in Del Mar. Look below for the details.We had a rehearsal yesterday and the group and the guests sound fantastic. We’ve got Lizzi Trumbore back from college playing up a storm on trombone and singing and you’ve got to hear her live in 3D. Coral will be there tomorrow and we’ve discovered a new (to us) Jobim gem. Leonard’s funkin’ it up and we’re pulling two of our wild Cream arrangements into the fold and unleashing them into the Del Mar mind meld. Fred’s tuning up the sitar guitar as we speak prepping for his trademark flamenco jam. Young Kate Sprague is singing “It Don’t Mean a Thing (if it ain’t got that swing)” and she and Duke have got that right! Kevyn Lettau will be there along with vocalist’s Allison Adams Tucker, Kekoa Trent, and the Benedetti girls. Lefty will be in the house penciled in for a romp through “Musica Del Mar” along with the famous drummer from TOPS, Riley Fleck! That’s the plan and it’ll be all that much better with you in the loop to absorb the sound and the vibe.
See you soon!
adios, Peter
This is the setup and it’s looking like the weather is going to be perfect. Break away if you can and we’ll celebrate the moment with some music!