
G reetings Friends!

We’re traversing a few private gigs this week but we’ll be plugged in LIVE next week in Rancho Bernardo at the library. Look below if you want more info.

I’ve been having a ton of fun working on my own music in the studio. My latest project is remixing our versions of Cream’s music. I’m turning up the volume and realized life is better loud. Hah!

I’ll let you know when this album gets released.

Today I’m releasing yet another album of songs that I wrote and recorded during the heyday of the pandemic. It’s called Cascade and it swings, folks, sambas, Incas, ECM’s, and jazz funk’s along merrily with the vast world of jazz flavored music.

Check it out:

Peter Sprague’s online store


Apple Music


Here are the songs on the album:

1) Marchas Kantu
public domain
arranged by Peter Sprague

2) Ocean
music by Peter Sprague

 3) Dank
music by Peter Sprague

4) Prelude in E Minor
music by Peter Sprague

5) Watusi Ruby
music by Peter Sprague

6) Lee’s Summit
music by Peter Sprague

7) Cascade
music by Peter Sprague

8) Baiao Blue
music by Peter Sprague

9) Duncan’s Directing Traffic
music by Peter Sprague

Here’s the muso lineup:

Peter Sprague — guitar
Tripp Sprague — sax, flute, and harmonica
Mack Leighton — bass
Danny Green — piano 
Bob Magnusson —bass
Duncan Moore — drums, vibes
Allison Adams Tucker – vocals
Leonard Patton — vocals
Steve Kujala — flute

The world of Coltrane sound continues and for this week’s single vid we bring you “My One and Only Love.” 

My brother Tripp starts this song off by playing all alone. What a tone! 

For this version of Guy Wood and Robert Mellin’s gorgeous song and we pretty much stay with the program until it comes to the bridge. I always thought that it could travel a slightly different path so I experimented with the bass movement and found some new chord colors and came up with this version. I like the surprise…

Check it out: 

adios friends and thanks for the spin, best, Peter

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