Cardiff Library – Cardiff, CA – 07/06/16

2 Responses to “Cardiff Library – Cardiff, CA – 07/06/16”

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  1. Hi Peter! It’s Susannah & Patrick from Sedona. We’re planning to be there at the Cardiff Lbrary concert. We’ll be in San Diego July 1-8 and look forward to seeing and hearing you! We’ll have Patrick’s dad with us too, from Oahu.

    We love what you and Leonard do together. Very cool music. Really enjoyed your Stevie Wonder tribute concert. Good Times!! And oh so amazing that you’re playing with one of my all-time favorite vocalists, Dianne Reeves. I got to see her at Yoshi’s a long time ago with Russell Malone. I would so love to see your show with her. Someday…: )

    Please let us know if you have any other performances or jams going on during that week we can catch you at : )
    Love and Light,

    • How nice Susannah! Love that you and Patrick are coming into town. Yes on the Cardiff Library concert and also, June 2, I’ll be at Dizzy’s playing an All Beatles show. This isn’t on the gig calendar yet but I’ll get to that tomorrow. Busy day today, recording and a private gig. Love the life and it’ll be even better having you all in SD for the good summer vibe. It’s special! stay well and see you really soon, love, Peter