Busy With Beatles!



It’s a good world and I’m happy to rejoin civilization. I’ve been marathoning it in the studio with my good friends John, Paul, George and Ringo. We’ve been brewing up arrangements of their classic tunes for a big ALL BEATLES concert on Christmas Eve in Del Mar. You’re all invited and more details will follow.

The most current news is tomorrow (Wednesday at 7pm) I’m bringing my solo guitar circus to a spot in Solana Beach called Crush. I’ve never played there before but I did cruise the locale and it looks like a neat setup for music. The sound is good and I hear the food rocks the house too! I’ve been looking for a new place to kick start the solo guitar escapades ever since the Roxy changed hands and the fit no longer worked for me. Maybe this place will work out. Come and support the revolution if you can break away from the Christmas whirlwind. I’ve got Beatles, I’ve got one Christmas song, and I’ve got jazz coming out of my fingers. Hope to see you soon!

And look below for the deets on the Christmas eve hit!

adios, Peter

2 Responses to “Busy With Beatles!”

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  1. john blake says:

    Hey Peter–John Blake from the long-ago. What’s up with the Christmas Eve hit?–John

    • Hey John, yeah man, great seeing you at the Crush gig! We’re all set for the Xmas eve gig and you’ve got to come! Look on my gigs/website for the details…all best, Peter