Broken In Half!


Hola Folks!

It’s a sunny chilly morning here in Encinitas and filling up the airwaves as I write you is Lyle Mays’ posthumous release “Eberhard.” Wow, what a gorgeous 11 minutes of music complete with Lyle’s evolving textures, his reverb embraced piano explorations, Bob Sheppard on sax, and a great surprise, vocals by Aubrey Johnson. If you remember, Aubrey has been our special livestream guest on two shows. She’s singing some incredible stuff on this track.

Beautiful music and may I suggest taking it for a spin.

It’s been a world of big ocean waves of late and I’ve been partaking. Dig this, the first time ever in my life, yesterday a wave broke my surfboard in half! Wow, I was already sitting way outside and then a monster came and it broke right on me. I bailed my board and when I surfaced I only had half a board. Hah! I want my money back! Super happy that it didn’t break me.

Today’s a good day because our “Rendezvous In Realtime” release makes it’s way into the world. We’ve played this music many times in concert and we even did a livestream. Now it’ll continue it’s life in the world of downloads and popular streaming platforms.

Here’s the backstory to the release and where you can purchase downloads.

Here’s where it lives on Spotify.

Here’s where it lives on Apple Music.

We’re playing live this weekend in the great outdoors. It’s getting cold at night but this modern invention, HEATERS, are in the mix and make a valiant attempt to aid in the warmth of the moment.

On Friday night we’ll be at Ki’s Restaurant in Cardiff with Tripp and Justin. It’s always fun!

And on Saturday night it’ll be my first time playing at the Black Rail in Carlsbad. We’ve got Leonard singing, Justin bass-ing, Tripp sax-ing, and me on the guitar. Sounds fun!

See the details below.

And check around the bend to next week, more concerts in the works.

that’s it and thanks for tuning in, best, Peter  

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