Bright Moments!

Greetings Folks and I’m sharing the news emanating out of SpragueLand. We’ve got cold hands, cloudy skies but the forecast is set to the spirit of the late, great Rahsaan Roland Kirk. Shouting from the stage he proclaims, “bright moments, bright moments to all!”

There were some indeed bright moments at the Pt. Loma Naz hit last Saturday with our group Bop Moderno. An emerging truth revealed itself and that is, what a cool sense of freedom that comes from playing songs a lot. We hadn’t performed together for a few months but with one rehearsal, everyone practicing on their own, and then the built in momentum from past concerts, it was one of our better versions of this group. I can’t wait to launch it again and that’ll happen next month.

Bop Moderno group at Point Loma Nazarene University. Gilbert, Gunnar, Duncan, Tripp and Peter Photo by Barbara Wise
Bop Moderno group at Point Loma Nazarene University. Gilbert, Gunnar, Duncan, Tripp and Peter
Photo by Barbara Wise

Up for this week, on tomorrow night we’re getting the Blur Boys back in the saddle for a hit at Ki’s Restaurant in Cardiff. That’ll be Tripp, Fred and I tending to our unique repertoire of jazz, flamenco, samba, Beatles and the blues. Hope to see you there!


And on Saturday night, Sinne Eeg, the amazing vocalist from Denmark is coming to town for a night of music at Dizzy’s. Joining in will be Gunnar on bass, Duncan on drums and me on the guitar. We played a concert with her last year and she blew my mind! Her tone and pitch are pure perfection and her interpretation of the songs was focused and creative. And topping it off, she’s got big league scat soloing abilities weaving effortlessly through the chord changes. She just finished recording a new album and I think we’re bringing some of those new tunes into the fold. It’s going to be a wonderful night of jazz and we hope to see you there!

Sinne Eeg
Sinne Eeg

Right ‘o folks and that’s the word for today. Thanks for the read, Peter

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