Birth of the Sizzle

Heya Folks,

Young Miles is exploring Birth of the Cool, playing “Budo” and Mulligan just blistered through the changes on the big baritone sax. What a tune, love that shout phrase at the end of the solos! Cool jazz for a sizzling beach day here on the west side of things. It’s a nice setting for the music report from SpragueLand.

Last weekend Fred and I had an inspiring house concert gig in Solana Beach with traveling guitarist Muriel Anderson. It was my first time to hear her and she was playing a harp guitar which is a major deal, managing a zillion strings. And her musical feel and textures were really cool. What a nice person too! And it’s always a holiday on ice playing music with Fred. We had some duets and we played solo too. Good times raising funds for the Guitars in the Classroom Organization—new uke’s coming to the kids hands!

Group photo at the end of the concert! That’s Jessica Baron on the far left and she IS Guitar’s in the Classroom. That’s Muriel in the center and you know Fred and I. The other two folks are the kind ones who opened up their house for the event.

Coming together for this week in live gigs, first up is a library duo hit with flautist Beth Ross Buckley and me. It’s on Wednesday at 6:30pm at the University Library and it’s free. Look below for the details and zip out if you can!

Beth Ross Buckley and Peter Sprague

Next up, we’re bringing the Cole Porter Circus to Temecula on Thursday night! That’s Rebecca singing, Tripp on sax, Gunnar the bassman, Duncan drumming, and me guitar-ing. We’re at The Merc and it’ll be a creative exploration through the special tunes of Cole Porter. Can’t wait!

And rounding the bend into next week, the Planet Cole Porter entourage takes on Newport Beach on 10/29. It’ll be this cool house concert that we played at last year and it’s food, drink, concert music (us) all set in a gorgeous big house. You’re invited and encouraged to join us and look below if this sounds like it’ll work. If you know folks up that way, please pass along the info and they’re invited too!

Planet Cole Porter with (left to right) Gunnar Biggs, Tripp Sprague, Rebecca Jade, Peter, and Duncan Moore.

That’s it friends! Boplicty Miles and Lee Konitz signing off…

best, Peter

2 thoughts on “Birth of the Sizzle”

  1. Hey man, it was great hearing you Sat. night at Pete’s. I bought your “Taking it all In” CD and I’m digging it. I bought it ’cause of the Joe Farrell tune. Have you heard him w/ McLaughlin doing “Follow Your Heart”, serious shit.
    Eptsterically yours,
    Dan Sullivan
    The Eptster

    • Yeah Dan, super cool and Follow Your Heart, E sus and the best track ever. On CTI, wow that was an era! Great seeing you at Pete’s and we’ll do it again…all best, Peter

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