Happy People!
I hope I’m catching you at a good time. Fun times over here at SpragueLand with a bunch of cool concerts coming up, a little sun poking through, killer veggie soup that Stef whipped together, and a new T.V. show discovery that might be of interest to you. It’s called SongLand — have you seen it? Stef and I just watched the first two episodes the other night on Hulu. (I think you can also see it on regular NBC TV). It’s a reality show where three super successful pop music producers audition young up and coming singer/songwriters with hopes of finding a song that’ll work for the superstar guest pop artist of which said pop artist will record the tune and all of the folks involved in the process will make a ton of money and be artistically fulfilled. Hah, that’s a mouthful! John Legend is the first superstar to be on the show and we watch and listen as the up and comers audition and the pro producers give their critique and suggestions on how to improve the song. It’s all pop music but these are some smart folks that know their world. It’s not jazz but it’s modern day rocket science in how they add elements and details to the arrangements that sharpen the tunes and make them ready for pop radio. One song is picked, John Legend records it, it sounds good, and hopefully it does well in the big world. The second show highlights Black Eyed Peas lead person Will.i.am. and this guy is a hoot and a half. I love the way he talks and his ideas are funny and cool. His song pick out of all of the possibles is this quirky little ditty called “Be Nice”. It goes like this: Be different, be nice It’s so nice to hear this expressed in song all the while in our current world, from the top on down, so many folks think it’s cool to be mean. Fun stuff and let me know if you see it and how it resonates. ![]() Rad cool Beatles hit last week! We’ll do it again down the road… ![]() photo by Justin Grinnell I only have one concert this week and it all takes place Wednesday night at 6:45pm. That’s a funny start time but we’ll take it! It’s Leonard and I jamming at the Carmel Valley Library and you’re all invited. Free entrance, freedom music, in a freestanding building. I hope you’re free to come… adios, Peter