After All The Jacks Are in Their Boxes


Greetings Good People!

I hope I’m finding you in a good place. If you watch the news, things are a mess all over. Indeed but some good things are happening too and I’m all about highlighting those. 

For instance the sonic wizard Jacob Collier recently came out with a Tiny Desk concert video with him playing all of the instruments at once. How he produced this video I’d love to know. Outstanding!

A little time back I had a neat phone hang with Dave Drexler who has his “Inside Art” show on KSDS Radio. He’s an absolute pro asking good questions and leading the interview into cool places. The focus of the interview hovers around our new music reality of livestreaming concerts.

Check it out:

Dave Drexler

As you know our main focus these days is our every other Thursday Live(ish) From SpragueLand concert series. The whole pulse over here starts heating up as the concert day approaches. We’re testing new gear, I’m arranging charts and practicing my parts, Stef is working on the lighting and look, Barbara is tweaking the posters, all of the musos are sharpening their skills, Brian is brainstorming sound solutions, and Steve is practicing his vid switching moves. It’s like Twenty Century Fox only instead of L.A. it’s little old Encinitas. We’re digging it!

After last week’s Music of Stevie Wonder show Stef and I were worn out from it all. It wasn’t until 2 nights ago that we sat down in front of the T.V. and watched the program from beginning to end. Wow! There were some great moments — Leonard tearing it up on “Gotta Have You”, Rebecca absolutely bringing it home on “Do I Do”, Tripp on keyboards adding yet another instrument to his long list of instruments that he’s mastered, Mack on the deck killing the electric bass, and Duncan funkifying Leucadia down to it’s core. Great sound, the visuals we’re happening, and the band banter had me laughing. 

What a fun ride and on top of it all, you good listeners and supporters went on an inspired generous spree and we’re happy to report that we’ve raised $1500 for the Black Lives Matter organization. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And if you haven’t seen the show click the photo below and you’ll be transported to Wonderland!

For this week on Thursday night we have another Live(ish) From SpragueLand concert planned and the pulse is starting to come alive.


George Gershwin and Jimi Hendrix meet again, this time in cyberspace!

We’re sonically traversing the worlds of clever lyric twists of the 1920’s with Jimi Hendrix’s psychedelic spins that I’m not sure if anyone fully understands what he’s talking about. The place that these two meet is the holy land of GREAT MUSIC!

After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
Footprints dressed in red
And the wind whispers Mary
—“Wind Cries Mary” by Jimi Hendrix

We’re featuring our longtime friend and music collaborator, wonderful vocalist Lisa Hightower. She grew up in a rock band — she knows Jimi’s music inside and out. Then she morphed over to jazz while working a waitress gig at the Rancho Sante Fe Inn. Ella became her hero and now years later we’re illuminating both of these great composers for a night of inspired music. 

The band includes some of the best with Tripp Sprague on sax and flute, Gunnar Biggs on bass, Duncan Moore on drums, Lisa Hightower on vocals, and Peter Sprague on guitar.

And as we do for some of our shows, we like the idea of including a favorite muso from another part of the globe into our concert. For this week’s gig I’ve reached out to stellar vocalist Sinne Eeg (she’s the gal that I do all of the European touring with in the last few years) and she sent an audio and video recording of her singing one of her songs. We’ll bring that into our program and it’ll be like we’re all playing together in realtime. Total tech magic and this is why we call it Live(ish). Super fun!

Price of admission? Actually the concert is free but we will have a “virtual tip jar” complete with PayPal, Zelle and Venmo info for you to donate whatever you feel good about. Also good old snail mailing checks works too. We’d love for this to work out too.

Venmo: @Tripp-Sprague
mail checks via snail mail to: Peter Sprague
311 East Glaucus St.
Encinitas, CA 92024

OK good people, that’s the story up until now and sure looking forward to seeing you on Thursday night.

namaste, Peter

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