A Jazz-ified Christmas Concert in Del Mar!

G ood Morning Friends and Fans,

We are zeroing in on the big holiday and one of our long lasting traditions is the ultra famous Christmas Eve concert in the heart of Del Mar. It all started in 1978, over 40 years ago, and if you’re so inclined, click here to read a story about the early days in Del Mar when we played our first holiday concert. This article is from the Del Mar Sandpiper Newspaper. 

For this year’s concert we explore the outer realms of holiday music. As the title suggests, Charlie Brown, from “Peanuts” fame, grants us permission to go mental into the aural realm. This we shall and the first stop is how jazz, Vince Guaraldi, Charlie Brown, and Christmas music met up and changed the landscape of the holidays. For the better we think and it’ll be a hoot sharing “Christmas Time is Here,” “Christmas is Coming,” and our blues tinged version of Vince’s “Linus and Lucy” with you. That’s a start and then we travel to a song about the blissful truth that “Christmas Is Love.” And we’ll probably end the show with a samba-fied “Winter Wonderland.”

Charlie and Vince would approve.

The band includes some of the best with:
Allison Adams Tucker — vocals
Beth Ross Buckley — flute
Tripp Sprague —sax and flute
Danny Green — piano
Justin Grinnell — bass
Duncan Moore —drums
Peter Sprague — guitar
Kate Sprague — vocals
Fred Benedetti — guitar
The Benedetti’s -vocals
Johnny Minchin – harmonica

Here’s a vid clip from a recent performance and it’ll give a taste of what’s to come at the Del Mar show:

You can bring the whole gang, bring the relatives, meet strangers that are friendly and meet musicians that are strange. This is how we do Christmas in Cali! See you there!

adios, Peter

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