A Hand Full of Possibly Interesting Things


It’s the fourth of July and I’m just back from a surf. The waves are up, the sun is out, it’s a holiday! 

Discovered this really good group: 


Super worth checking out!


Rad cool LA gig earlier in the week!

Playing the modernized Cole Porter music with Nick on piano, Rebecca on vocals, Dave on drums, me, and Ahmet on bass.

We’re playing Ki’s on Friday night!

The Trio with Gunnar, Lisa, and Peter
photo by Barbara Rix

Saturday heading up to the Pagent of the Masters in Laguna Beach with Tripp and Rebecca. It’s a first class setup for music and friendship!

Peter and Rebecca
photos by James Kaspar

Off on Sunday to Denmark and the Canary Islands performing with the amazing Sinne Eeg!

Sinne and Peter in Denmark, 2018

Coming up when I get back, the world debut of the Chamber Music America grant composition highlighted in two concerts. First in LA and then we’ll be at the Encinitas Library later in the week. Maybe mark it on your calendar if you can make it.

That’s it and now, back to the guitar, another round of ocean, and a sunset dinner with Stef.

adios, Peter

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