Good People!
Metheny is twanging in the key of G and it’s good. Have you heard the tune “The Fields, the Sky”? Oh my, it’s a brilliant way to spend 7 minutes and 47 seconds of your life! First off it’s just him with bass and caxixi shakers and from there the plot thickens. Eventually the whole band is in, the bass is heading up and up, Lyle and Pat are playing this wicked unison line and the happy mix of jazz and country lives free and unattached in the wide open plains of the Missouri outback. Good on the ears this stuff! In last week’s gig email I was trying to bring the positive to the issue of large amounts of car time and the never ending jam of cement and metal longing for open space. The ever creative Molly wrote back with this: “a good and wise soul recently told me that it’s better if you imagine the taillights of the car ahead as the eyes of the Buddha. I tried it. It works! Settles things right down…” I laughed, I tried, it helped and still the conglomerate of cars continue to pack it in. Hey Molly, I’ll keep at it and it’s good folly for zen and the art of brake fluid… Last week, we experienced two magnificent concerts with wild jazz man of the ivories Bill Mays. He carries enormous amounts of jazz wisdom and peppers it up with a little humor and a beautiful vibe. A true gem, a true joy! Next it was Sinne Eeg at the front of the stage at Dizzy’s singing “Rain”. Oh man, what a vibe and what beauty in sound. Check it out: Hot off the press rad news — our recording Planet Cole Porter was awarded the 2018 Best Jazz Record at last night’s San Diego Music Awards. We had great times making the music with our favorite musos in the loop — Tripp on sax, Gunnar on bass, Duncan on drums, Tommy Aros on percussion, Scott Kyle on trombone, and of course the magic Rebecca doing her thing. Cole Porter with a somewhat illegal spin on it never had it so good. We tip our hat’s with respect and gratitude to the other great players and recordings that were also nominated. We’re inspired and thrilled to keep at it and we’ve got more live concerts with the Planet band coming up. Music for this week — I’m playing a 4pm solo guitar concert at Mesa College tomorrow (Wednesday). Next, Leonard and I explode at Palomar College at 12:30pm on Thursday. Both of these gigs are free to you all! And ending out the week, once again it’ll be El Honda Element and I trancing out with the broken white lines that lead to Palm Desert. There, we’ll break out the music and synchronize with vocalist Allison Adams Tucker as she leads a sonic travelogue through Spain, Brazil, France, New York City and the soulful confines of Pete Carlson’s Golf and Tennis Shop. It’s all music and it’s a great way to lead a life. Come and join us won’t you? Saying bye folks as the taillights of the cars ahead keep blinking on and off….peace, P |
Harmonia que entra pelas sinuosas do ouvido e alimenta a alma!!..agradeco a DEUS por vcs existirem,parabens.