10th Avenue Theatre and Arts Centre – San Diego, CA – 11/09/13

Leonard Patton Group with Keezer and Sprague
Saturday, November 9, 2013
8:00pm - All Ages
930 10th Ave
San Diego, CA, USA 92101

Other Info
We're playing 2 nights with the amazing Geoffrey Keezer on piano, Leonard Patton on vocals and percussion, Justin Grinnell on bass and Julien Cantelm on drums. I'll be playing too and what a thrill!

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2 thoughts on “10th Avenue Theatre and Arts Centre – San Diego, CA – 11/09/13”

  1. Hi, Peter! I want a couple new to San Diego to get to know you and your music. They are Nancy Hornberger (new CEO of SAY, San Diego) and her husband, Steve, a well-known writer. I know you and they would have a lot in common. They have arrived from the D.C. area, where they were both professionally invloved. They have just purchased a home in Sonana Beach. I told Steve about you at luhnch yesterday. What is the admission ticket for the 10 Avenue gigs? ~Ed

    • Hi Ed, thanks for the note and thanks for spreading the news about our music. I’ve copied your note over to Leonard and asked him to get back to you regarding tickets. Hope it all works out and that we see you there…all best, Peter

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