San Dieguito Academy Theatre – Encinitas, CA – 09/22/13


Peter Sprague’s Latin Jazz Music Celebration
Sunday, September 22, 2013
2:00pm - Free! - All Ages
800 Santa Fe Drive
Encinitas, CA, U.S.A. 92024
Other Info
Join us for an afternoon concert of Latin, tango and jazz music. This music rich with rhythm and passion is a perfect launching pad for Peter’s unique arrangements.
The outdoor concert is free and open to all ages.
Peter Sprague — guitar
Beth Ross-Buckley — flute
Coral McFarland Thuet — vocals
Lou Fanucci — accordion
Monette Marino — percussion
Gunnar Biggs —bass

2pm – 5pm

The concert will be held at the outdoor amphitheater in front of the Performing Arts Building.
This concert is made possible by funding from the City of Encinitas and Mizel Family Foundation Community Grant and the help of the SDA Foundation.

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2 thoughts on “San Dieguito Academy Theatre – Encinitas, CA – 09/22/13”

  1. Ques: the Sunday, September 22nd concert at San Dieguito Academy Theatre…what is the seating? or does one bring a chair?? I tend to have some pain…hence my asking……….tks!!

    • Hi Kathy, thanks for the note and yes, the seating is on the grass so if you need a chair, bring along a folding one for yourself.

      thanks and hope to see you there!

      best, Peter

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