Good People, coming to you late in the evening. It’s been multi-mega-days in the studio working with two super talented classical musos. Kate Prestia-Shaub playing the piccolo along with pianist Martin Kennedy, enveloping into their collection of gorgeous complicated ditties. I’m digging it!
We had a fantastic Leucadia outdoor concert over the weekend and the way “Good Vibrations” came out was a total pleasant surprise. It turned into a cool jam and had all these sections with different tempo and mood changes. Quite an epic and we’ll do it again! ![]() photo by Rick Sokol With my spare ten minutes each day I’ve been reading a book called “The Making of Kind of Blue” that documents the details surrounding Miles Davis’s ground breaking record Kind of Blue. It’s one of my favorite of his recordings and it’s fun hearing about the things that went into that project. During that era Miles set off a mini revolution of introducing modal improvisation to jazz and even though he loved that direction, he also thought that jazz musicians needed to have the ability to play on moving chord changes. This quote from him cracks me up, “I don’t like guys who make a living playing in the mode.” Playing in the mode, hah! What about Ravi Shankar and Robert Johnson? Coming up tomorrow, Leonard and I will play a duo hit at the Cardiff Library. It’s a great setup for music and our one hour set is free to the public. Good summer fun. My group Bop Moderno featuring Gilbert Castellanos plays a show at 98 Bottles on Saturday night. Back last winter we had a string of concerts with this group and I’m thrilled for the opportunity to play once again with these talented musos. I’m staying up late this week to work out a few new charts plus we’ll add the best from our last run for a special night of music. Check out the details below and we hope to see you there. ![]() Last up for the week is a Sunday solo brunch gig at the Craftsman in Encinitas. Up and adam! all the best and thanks for reading, Peter |