Hi Friends, right at this moment I’m listening to the Love recording by The Beatles in honor of the idea of mashing up pre-existing masterpieces. For this recording, Sir George Martin and his son got their hands on the original tracks and sliced and diced, adding key elements of one classic tune to another. The end result, I think, is brilliant. I’ve heard these tunes from all the way back, since I was a kid, and to hear this new presentation is ear opening.It’s with this same spirit that we’re approaching our concert tomorrow night at The Loft at UCSD. We’re playing a whole evening of Beatles tunes, arranged for our 2012 outlook, arranged so we can open them up and take solos, and arranged so when you hear them, you recognize the tune but the framework that it’s sporting is shaking you up a little.
Therein lies the intent and it works best if you:
first show up
roll with it, and
resist hurling your dinner remnants at us for tampering with sacred goods.
It’s going to be a fantastic night of music and we just got done shining up the tunes for your listening pleasure. The boys were burning!
Look for the deets on the gig page and I hope to see you there.
Running down the Beatles tunes at SpragueLand.The lineup from left to right, Peter, Gunnar, Anthony Smith, Leonard, Tripp and Duncan.
Also up for this week is a Friday and Saturday hit at Ki’s in Cardiff. This will be the last weekend for us there as after November they’re going to quit having live music. So, if you’ve been holding out now’s the time to hear Leonard and I rip it up on Friday and immerse in the samba on Saturday night with Kevyn and me.