Peter Sprague Trio live at Ki’s

Ki's Restaurant 2591 South Highway 101, Cardiff, CA, U.S.A.

The best setup! Peter Sprague — guitar Danny Green — piano Mack Leighton — bass

Peter Sprague and Aubrey Johnson Group

Jazz Lounge 6818 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA, United States

We're thrilled to connect again with vocalist Aubrey Johnson. She lives in N.Y.C. and is out in California to play music and run the LA Marathon. Wow! She's a fantastic singer and it'll be a great night of music. Peter Sprague — guitar Aubrey Johnson — vocals Danny Green — piano Justin Grinnell — bass ... Read more


Peter Sprague Meets Peter Pupping

Ki's Restaurant 2591 South Highway 101, Cardiff, CA, U.S.A.

Guitarist Peter Pupping and I have been friends forever and we both play guitar and both love Latin flavored music. In a funny way, over all these years we have never played a live gig together. Peter has recorded over here at SpragueLand and I've played on a few of his pieces but never live. ... Read more

Peter Sprague Quartet Live!

Tio Leo's Lounge 5302 Napa Street, San Diego, CA

We're heading down to my favorite jazz club and bringing some new music to you fine listeners. Hope to see you there! Peter Sprague — guitar Danny Green — piano Justin Grinnell — bass Duncan Moore — drums

Peter Sprague Trio at Palomar College

Palomar College / Brubeck Auditorium 1140 W. Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA, U.S.A.

It's a noon time concert and we've got the trio lined up to spend some new songs. New songs for a new year! Peter Sprague — guitar Danny Green — piano Mack Leighton — bass

Peter Sprague Trio in La Jolla!

La Jolla Athenaeum 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla, CA, U.S.A.

It's a noon time concert again and we've got the trio lined up to spend some new songs. New songs for a new year! Peter Sprague — guitar Danny Green — piano Mack Leighton — bass

Peter Sprague Trio in Carmel Valley!

Carmel Valley Library 3919 Townsgate Dr, San Diego, CA 92130, San Diego, CA

We're looking forward to heading over to the Carmel Valley Library for some music and friendship. They have a nice space for music and we've got some new songs to share so come on by if you can. Peter Sprague — guitar Danny Green — piano Mack Leighton — bass  

Peter Sprague and Rebecca Jade

La Jolla Community Center 6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, CA, U.S.A.

I'm thrilled to connect once again with one of my favorite vocalists Rebecca Jade for a concert in La Jolla with the incredible Danny Green on piano and Mack Leighton on bass. For this show we're going to be playing the music of Cole Porter, Pat Metheny, and The Beatles. Weird combination I know but ... Read more


All You Need is Love — Camarada Plays the Beatles featuring Peter Sprague and Rebecca Jade

The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center 7600 Fay Ave, La Jolla, CA

A jazz-infused magical mystery tour! Come together with us on a whimsical musical ride, featuring all-new arrangements of your favorite Beatles songs! Renowned guitarist Peter Sprague leads this exceptional ensemble in a reimagining of The Beatles’ timeless hits, blending the familiar melodies of the Fab Four with Peter’s innovative and jazzified creations. Enjoy these beloved ... Read more


Peter Sprague Plays Cream

Encinitas Library 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas, CA

“Sunshine of Your Love” — probably the second most iconic rock riff right behind the descending chord movement of “Stairway to Heaven.” I learned to play it when I was young and with a surfboard under the other arm I pretty much owned the world at large. Hah! It’s hard to take over the planet ... Read more

Allison Adams Tucker “Retro” featuring Peter Sprague

Del Mar Civic Center 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA

Allison Adams Tucker’s RETRO Band Multi-lingual vocalist, composer and recording artist Allison Adams Tucker celebrates her latest album “RETRO Trilogy” performing with Danny Green keys, Justin Grinnell bass, Duncan Moore drums, Matt DiBiase vibraphone, and Peter Sprague guitar. Recorded in New York City with a heavy-hitter band and nominated for Best Jazz Album 2024 by ... Read more

Peter Sprague Quartet Live at the NCRep

North Coast Repertory Theatre 987 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Ste. D, Solana Beach, CA

We are thrilled to return to the North County Repertoire theater and share our music and stories with the fine folks of Solana Beach and beyond. We've done this concert for the last several years and it's always a magical moment playing in that intimate theater filled to the brim with enthusiastic music fans. This ... Read more

Peter Sprague Quartet Live at the NCRep

North Coast Repertory Theatre 987 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Ste. D, Solana Beach, CA

We are thrilled to return to the North County Repertoire theater and share our music and stories with the fine folks of Solana Beach and beyond. We've done this concert for the last several years and it's always a magical moment playing in that intimate theater filled to the brim with enthusiastic music fans. This ... Read more

Geoffrey Keezer and Gillian Margo Group featuring Peter Sprague

La Jolla Athenaeum 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla, CA, U.S.A.

I'm thrilled that Geoffery and Gillian are coming into town for a visit and for some live music too. They have invited me to play with them at the Athenaeum in La Jolla and it will be a great night of music with some of Keezer's clever piano moves and Gillian's beautiful singing. They're on ... Read more

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