98 Bottles – San Diego, CA – 07/06/13

Peter Sprague's Bop Moderno with Gilbert Castellanos
Saturday, July 6, 2013
8:00pm - $12 - All Ages Buy Tickets
2400 Kettner Boulevard #110
San Diego, CA, U.S.A. 92101
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A quintet playing Peter's modern bop arrangements featuring Gilbert Castellanos!
Peter and Gilbert have lived in San Diego for a long time and have only played together a few times. "I love his music!" says Peter, "and I'm thrilled to have a concert lined up to work on some tunes together." This band will embrace the classic sound of trumpet and tenor sax carrying the melodies over the foundation of a cooking rhythm section.
Peter Sprague — guitar
Gilbert Castellanos — trumpet
Tripp Sprague — sax and flute
Gunnar Biggs — bass
Duncan Moore — drums

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